As they pore over the pages in this remarkable collection, Minecraft lovers of all stripes will find themselves immersed in a world of astonishing Minecraft creations like floating steampunk cities, massive alien worlds, detailed classical sculptures, fantastical landscapes, and architectural marvels. The sculptures and scenes throughout the book are built from thousands to millions of Minecraft blocks and represent months and even years of design work on the part of their creators.
“I wanted to show how a video game can become a true artistic players can become artists,” said author James Delaney.
About the Author
James Delaney is the managing director of BlockWorks, a team of Minecraft artists from around the world. BlockWorks has created artwork for companies like Disney, Microsoft, Warner Brothers, and The Guardian.
Beautiful Minecraft
Publisher: No Starch Press
Author: James Delaney
Print ISBN: 978-1-59327-765-9
Price: $19.95
Publication Date: December 2016
Specs: 112 pp., 4C, Hardcover
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