San Francisco, CA, October 9, 2013—LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3, The LEGO Group's newest robotics kit, combines mechanical elements and motors with a programmable brain to allow users to build, program, and control real working robots. This latest version of LEGO MINDSTORMS has far more capabilities than previous versions, making it possible for anyone to develop and create sophisticated robots. But with so many possibilities, it's hard to know where to start.
The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory (No Starch Press, October 2013, 432 pp., $34.95, ISBN 9781593275334) offers an in-depth guide to the many features of the new EV3 kit. Author Daniele Benedettelli, robotics expert and member of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Expert Panel, digs deep into the potential of EV3, while also teaching the fundamentals of robotics. Readers learn how to use gears, beams, motors, sensors, and programming blocks to create five impressive robots, including a bipedal dinosaur and a multi-purpose vehicle that can even clean the floor.
But the book doesn't stop with just building and programming the robots—Benedettelli also dives into technical topics like refining robot movement, dealing with measurement noise, electronic versus mechanical differentials, even implementing robot behaviors using state machines. "The EV3L Scientist's Apprentice" comic story keeps things fun, while "Experiment" sections will have readers modifying the robots. "Digging Deeper" sections go into advanced topics like robot localization, handling errors, and motor speed regulation.
"EV3 truly puts robotics in the hands of everyone," says Benedettelli. "But there are certain fundamentals of robotics that you need to understand in order to start making your own models. I hope my book will give builders the foundation that they need to create their own amazing robots."
For more information or to request a review copy of The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory, contact KC Crowell at No Starch Press ([email protected], +1.415.863.9900 or visit www.nostarch.com).
The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory book trailer
About the Author
Daniele Benedettelli is known worldwide for his original LEGO robots, including his Rubik's Cube solvers and his humanoid robots. As a LEGO MINDSTORMS Community Partner (MCP), he helps to test and develop new MINDSTORMS products. He earned a master’s degree in Robotics and Automation from the University of Siena in Italy. He holds educational presentations and workshops on Information and Communications Technology around the world and teaches robotics at the high school level.
Additional Resources
View the Index (PDF)
View the detailed Table of Contents (PDF)
Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 (PDF)
Download Chapter 6: "Experimenting with the EV3 Infrared Components" (PDF)
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